Connection of the publication with planned research works.The work is a fragment of the research work of the Poltava State Medical University "Regularities of the morphogenesis of organs, tissues and vascular and nervous formations in normal, pathological and under the influence of exogenous factors", state registration № 0118U004457.Introduction.The role of taste in human life is essential. It not only performs a protective function, helping us to recognize whether products are suitable for consumption but also gives us positive emotions from enjoying delicious food. In our daily diet, we consume foods that contain various food additives. These additives give particular food characteristics, ranging from a rich taste to an attractive appearance. We are in no hurry to give up such products, although it is known that food additives, even in small concentrations, can harm our health. However, with the growing popularity of delicious food, it is increasingly difficult to resist the temptation to eat at least a small but tasty piece.Food additives are natural or synthetic substances added to products, raw materials and semi-finished products to improve their taste, appearance and shelf life. Many food additives appeared following the need to mass produce food products, which differ from home cooking. Although food additives are necessary to preserve the marketability of products, they should not mislead the consumer. Unscrupulous manufacturers often provide false information on labels, and we need to know what is contained in the products we choose on supermarket shelves [1].Today, there are many food additives that the consumer does not think about or know. In European countries, the use and production of food additives increased by 2%. Various sweeteners are becoming especially popular. The presence of various food additives in products must be displayed using the "E" index following the European Community and identified according to the International Classification System (INS) [2].The most common additives we study are monosodium glutamate (E621), sodium nitrite (E250) and Ponceau 4R (E124). These additives have a negative effect on human health and can also cause serious diseases. Among the most common negative consequences are migraine, anxiety, schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, decreased muscle tension and blood pressure, asthma, abdominal pain, nausea, tachycardia, weakness, and others [3][4].Food additives affect all organs and systems of the body, but in our case, the adrenal glands are susceptible Taste plays a significant role in the life of every person. Our taste buds are responsible for recognizing flavors, determining the suitability of foods, protecting against harmful substances, and regulating food intake. A person always gets pleasure from tasty food, and sweet dishes cause positive emotions. Unfortunately, we consume food that contains many food additives and preservatives daily, although we know that it can be harmful. Tasty but not healthy food has becom...