Air quality management commonly aims to mitigate emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from combustion, reducing ozone and particulate matter pollution. Despite such efforts, regulations have recently proven ineffective in rural areas like the Salton Sea Air Basin of Southern California, which routinely violates air quality standards. With $2 billion in annual agricultural sales and low population density, air quality in the region is likely influenced by year-round farming. We conducted NOx source apportionment using nitrogen stable isotopes of ambient NO2, which indicate a substantial contribution of soil-emitted NOx. The soil source strength was estimated based on the mean δ15N-NOx from each emission category in the California Air Resources Board's NOx inventory. Our annual average soil emission estimate for the air basin was 11.4 ± 4 tons/d, representing ~ 30% of the extant NOx inventory, 10× larger than the state’s inventory. Therefore, the impact of soil NOx in agricultural regions must be re-evaluated.