The objective of our research is to design a single-well injection withdrawal test to evaluate residual phase trapping at potential CO 2 geological storage sites. Given the significant depths targeted for CO 2 storage and the resulting high costs associated with drilling to those depths, it is attractive to develop a single well test that can provide data to assess reservoir properties and reduce uncertainties in the appraisal phase of site investigation. The main challenges in a single-well test design include (1) difficulty in quantifying the amount of CO 2 that has dissolved into brine or migrated away from the borehole; (2) non-uniqueness and uncertainty in the estimate of the residual gas saturation (S gr ) due to correlations among various parameters; and (3)the potential biased S gr estimate due to unaccounted heterogeneity of the geological medium. To address each of these challenges, we propose (1) to use a physical-based model to simulation test sequence and inverse modeling to analyze data information content and to quantify uncertainty; (2) to jointly use multiple data types generated from different kinds of tests to constrain the S gr estimate; and (3) to reduce the sensitivity of the designed tests to geological heterogeneity by conducting the same test sequence in both a water-saturated system and a system with residual gas saturation. To perform the design calculation, we build a synthetic model and conduct a formal analysis for sensitivity and uncertain quantification. Both parametric uncertainty and geological uncertainty are considered in the analysis. Results show (1) uncertainty in the estimation of S gr can be reduced by jointly using multiple data types and repeated tests; and (2) geological uncertainty is essential and needs to be accounted for in the estimation of S gr and its uncertainty. The proposed methodology is applied to the design of a CO 2 injection test at CO2CRC's Otway Project Site, Victoria, Australia.
Introduction and ObjectiveThe geologic sequestration of anthropogenic greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change is receiving increasing attention as a means to reduce atmospheric emissions and the related impacts as a result of continued use of fossil fuels. The ability of a host formation to effectively trap CO 2 determines the suitability of a proposed site for long-term CO 2 sequestration. Four trapping mechanisms have been identified (IPCC, 2005): structural trapping, residual phase trapping, solubility trapping and mineralization trapping. This study focuses on residual phase trapping, i.e., the immobilization of individual bubbles or relatively small blobs of the CO 2 -rich phase. TheCO 2 bubbles are either trapped by capillary forces or are stuck in local trapping structures or dead-end portions of the pore space, preventing further CO 2 migration in response to pressure gradients or buoyancy forces. (CO 2 saturation can be reduced below the residual value by processes other than viscous flow, e.g., by compression or dissolution.) A parameter referred to as re...