In the first edition I argued New Labour was the 'new right-wing of the Labour Party'. 3 Whilst no longer a new addition to the broad church of Labour thought, I maintain it was, and is the correct designation. The successors to New Labour including former Blairites and Brownites are best described as the Progressives. This is a tricky label. 4 I use it because New Labourites and their successors self-identify as progressive preferring it to social democrat and this, in itself, is significant. Research done demonstrates that the public do not understand the term progressive yet sees it as a positive descriptor. 5 Labour's Progressives are committed to free markets, enterprise and 'light-touch' regulation especially of the City of London. At the same time they support trade unionism and a welfare state. In this sense they can be seen as welfare capitalists. They were staunch advocates of the Remain campaign in the referendum on the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union. The Progressives' social and economic views are kindred with the