Objective: To determine the consequences of the type of delivery in pregnant women with previous cesarean section,attended at the Hospital Universitario “Dr. Luis Razetti”, Barcelona, Anzoátegui state, during October 2019. Methods: Retrospective study, with descriptive level, of documentary design and cross-sectional cut, with a sample of 130 pregnant patients with previous cesarean section. A clinical history analysis guide was used as a data collection instrument. Results: Regarding the type of delivery, cesarean section predominated (52.3 versus 47.7%), however, 68.9% of the complications occurred in those with vaginal delivery, the most frequent being vaginal tears (33.3%), retained placenta (8.9%) and uterine hypotonia (8.9%). In contrast, in the group of pregnant women with cesarean section, surgical site infections (17.8%) and anemia (8.9%) were identified as the most frequent complications. Conclusions: The results of this research indicate that both vaginal delivery and cesarean section are safe, but the final decision depends on the individual clinical evaluation of each pregnant woman.