The parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton are one of the essential ingredients to describe physics processes at hadron colliders. The Z boson production data at the LHC have a potential to constrain PDFs, especially the gluon distribution. In this study the CMS measurement of the inclusive double differential Z boson production cross section in terms of transverse momentum and rapidity are compared to the next-to-leading order theory predictions at the center of mass energy, √ s=8 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 19.71 f b −1 . In addition, the sensitivity of this measurement to PDFs is studied within the framework of the HERAFitter. A moderate improvement to the gluon distribution is observed at the Bjorken x ≈ 0.1 region. However, in order to obtain further improvement to the gluon distribution in the global fits, the higher-order theory calculations accessible via fast techniques are necessary.The precision measurements of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics are one of the top priority programmes at the LHC. The accurate theory predictions are necessary in order to completely exploit the potential of the SM measurements. Importantly, in the hadron colliders parton distribution functions (PDFs) are one of the necessary ingredients for theory predictions. Naively, the PDF f i (x, Q 2 ) represent the probability of finding a parton of flavour i (where i: g(gluons),q (quarks); q=u,d,c,s..) inside a proton carrying a fraction x of the momentum of the proton at the scale Q, called the factorization scale related with the hard scale of the involved physical process. The PDFs cannot be derived from the first principles of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) [1] and have to be constrained experimentally. The PDFs are constrained primarily by the Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) data. Additional constraints come from the Fixed-target, Tevatron and LHC measurements [for more details, see for example, the reviews in Ref. [2,3] and references therein].Currently, various published SM measurements at the LHC with the center of mass energies 7 and 8 TeV are already used in the global PDF fits [4][5][6][7]. Besides these global PDF fitting efforts, the sensitivity of the particular LHC measurement to PDFs are also studied. For example, PDFs are constrained using the measurement of the W and Z production to strange quark distribution in ATLAS [8], the CMS W charge asymmetry [9] and W in association with the charm quark measurements at 7 TeV [10], W boson production in association with a single charm quark in ATLAS [11], the inclusive jet cross sections from the LHC [12][13][14][15], top quark pair production [16,17] etc. In this current analysis, the impact to the PDFs of the CMS production cross section measurement of the Z boson decaying to a pair of muons [18,19] is studied. This measurement is performed in various bins of transverse momentum (p T (Z)) and rapidity (Y (Z)) of the Z boson. The QCD analysis is performed at the Next-to-Leading order(NLO) in the framework of the HERAFitter [20]. Along with the C...