“…These defects, along with the observed alterations in the CINs electrophysiological properties (i.e., reduced intrinsic excitability), are associated with pyramidal neuron hyperexcitability (Zamboni et al, 2016(Zamboni et al, , 2018 and increased susceptibility to sporadic spontaneous and induced seizures. Notably, changes in the morphology and/or function of interneurons have been linked to neurological disorders (Juarez et al, 2022). Altered CIN development, activity, and lamination have been shown to result in an altered balance between excitation and inhibition, thereby contributing to neurological and cognitive disorders (e.g., epilepsy, autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, and schizophrenia) (Sanacora et al, 2000;Levitt et al, 2004;Levitt, 2005;Lewis et al, 2005;Rossignol, 2011;Penzes et al, 2013).…”