For diversion or for emergency protection of the units during construction the technological design standards of hydroelectric stations (VNTP-12-77) recommend using service gates. During permanent operation the mechanisms controlling these gates are installed, as a rule, at upper levels of the structure. In order to install the mechanism at the design level in the construction period it is necessary to erect special trestles (Fig. i) or raise a part of the structure to these levels.Construction practice shows that such a solution has the following substantial shortcomings preventing its realization: considerable manpower and equipment are diverted to perform essentially nonthematic works; the location of the construction cranes does not always permit attaining the required levels, which leads to the use of more complex methods of performing works; operation of a mechanism that has been raised to a considerable height compared to the main structure creates additional difficulties.At the Krasnoyarsk, Khodzhikent, Kapchagai, Zeya, Nurek, Inguri, and other hydroelectric stations the absence of real possibilities of accomplishing the design led to the need to create temporary schemes. On the basis of the particular conditions decisions were made which can be divided into two groups. In some cases temporary mechanisms for lifting and lowering the gates were designed and in other cases structures permitting the installation of the designed mechanism at a certain intermediate level were created. Both decisions were sequentially implemented on the permanent intake of the Nurek hydrostation [i].At the Khodzhikent hydrostation the original start-up scheme called for operating the emergency-guard gates of the penstocks by a gantry crane installed on the dam crest. Actually, the first two units were started up with an unfinished dam. In connection with this, the gates of the penstocks were operated by a specially designed temporary mechanism installed on a metal trestle (Fig. 2). For working with this mechanism it was necessary to reconstruct the emergency-guard gate itself. A similar situation has presently developed at the Gazalkent hydrostation.On the permanent intake of the Nurek hydrostation the original start-up scheme also called for complete raising of the construction part and assembly of the service mechanisms before switching the stream. But by the time of starting up the second phase of the hydrostation it was necessary to install a temporary mechanism on the unfinished construction part. The temporary mechanism should not have impeded further construction of the intake. It was possible to do this owing to the use of assembly winches in the mechanism, which fitted in the gate grooves. By the start-up of the third phase of the hydrostation, also with an unfinished intake, it was not possible to use the already available temporary mechanism, since Fig. i. Assembly of the gates at the inlets of the diversion tunnels of the Kapchagai hydroelectric station.