A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PHILOSOPHIAE DOCTOR, PH. D. (ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING) SEPTEMBER 2023 © João Guilherme Nizer Rahmeier, 2023. encouragement have been my driving force. Your belief in me has been a constant source of inspiration, and I am deeply grateful for your presence in my life. To our companion, Max, that kept us happy "passeando no parque" every day (if weather permits)! I am profoundly indebted to my parents, Nubia Cristina Nizer and Dalmir Rubens Rahmeier, who have stood by me since my early years of study as an undergraduate. Your unending support, sacrifices, and belief in my potential have played a pivotal role in shaping my academic journey. Thanks to my brother, Pedro Henrique Nizer Rahmeier, for all the support back home! My thanks go out to my Brazilian friends Carlos and Camila for all their friendship and support and who took care of our beloved Max when my wife and I had to travel abroad, thanks! To my Canadian friends Moh, Joh, Nima, Milad, Titus, and all others who eventually became part of my life for some instant, especially all those volunteering with me in the IEEE Ottawa Young Professional Affinity Group. A special thanks to my colleagues from the research group MARS at Carleton University. Thanks to all my students while TAing for ELEC 2501 and ELEC 2507 every other term during my whole doctorate journey. Thanks to all the professors involved with those courses, especially Prof. Ram Achar, who always supported me when necessary. Thank you all for your camaraderie, intellectual discussions, and collaborative spirit that have enriched my research iii of 162 and life experience immeasurably. A special thanks go to my master's supervisor Dr. Luiz G. Costa Melo, for facilitating and making this Ph.D. possible! Thanks for all the support and guidance over the years! I am truly fortunate to have had the guidance and mentorship of Prof. Dr. Shulabh Gupta, my supervisor, and Prof. Dr. Tom J. Smy, my co-supervisor. Your insights, guidance, and weekly discussions have been instrumental in shaping the direction and depth of my research. Your unwavering availability and dedication have played a significant role in the success of this work. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs and the Department of Electronics at Carleton University for the international bursary and the departmental scholarships. Furthermore, I extend my appreciation to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for bestowing upon me the prestigious 2022 IEEE APS Fellowship award. This recognition has not only bolstered my confidence but also affirmed the significance of my research contributions. Furthermore, these opportunities have provided me with the resources and financial support needed to pursue my research goals. In closing, I am humbled by the collective efforts, encouragement, and support that have played a crucial role in the completion of this...