Socialization is the important process by which individuals learn and then effectively apply the rules of appropriate societal behavior. Response modulation is a psychobiological process theorized to aid in socialization by allowing individuals to utilize contextual information to modify ongoing behavior appropriately. Using Hare's (1991) Psychopathy Checklist and the Welsh (1956) anxiety scale, researchers have identified a relatively specific form of a response modulation deficit in lowanxious, Caucasian psychopaths. Preliminary evidence suggests that the Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD; Frick & Hare, 2001) may be used to identify children with a similar vulnerability. Using a representative community sample of 308 16-year-olds from the Child Development Project (Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 1990), we tested and corroborated the hypotheses that participants with relatively low anxiety and high APSD scores would display poorer passive avoidance learning and less interference on a spatially separated, picture-word Stroop task than controls. Consistent with hypotheses, the expected group differences in picture-word Stroop interference were found with male and female participants, whereas predicted differences in passive avoidance were specific to male participants. To the extent that response modulation deficits contributing to poor socialization among psychopathic adult offenders also characterize a subgroup of adolescents with mild conduct problems, clarification of the developmental processes that moderate the expression of this vulnerability could inform early interventions.Keywords response modulation; psychopathy; adolescents; socialization Developmental approaches to juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder, criminality, and psychopathy commonly emphasize the mediating construct of socialization (Eysenck, 1967;Lykken, 1995; Mednick & Christiansen, 1977;Trasler, 1978). Socialization involves the partially independent processes of learning a society's accepted rules for appropriate conduct
NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript and using this information to conform one's behavior to these rules. Accordingly, failures of socialization that result in stable antisocial adjustment are commonly attributed to one or both of these processes.Consistent with this emphasis on learning and using rules to regulate one's behavior, laboratory-based investigations of the processes hampering appropriate socialization emphasize passive avoidance learning. Passive avoidance involves the inhibition of behavior that would otherwise result in punishment. Supporting the importance of passive avoidance learning for socialization, passive avoidance deficits are a reliable correlate of psychopathy (e.g., Lykken, 1957;Newman & Kosson, 1986;Schmauk, 1970), conduct disorder/juvenile delinquency (Hartung, Milich, Lynam, & Martin, 2002;Moses, Ratliff, & Ratliff, 1979;Newman, Widom, & Nathan, 1985), and other syndromes characterized by poorly regulated, socially inappropriate behavior (e.g., ...