In the last decade, the application of metamaterials has become a very interesting way of implementing passive devices in microwave, terahertz, and optical frequency ranges. Up until now, selective filters, absorbers, polarizers, and lenses have been designed and constructed using these artificial materials, simultaneously showing the possibility for many other potential applications. Because of the simplified fabrication process, in particular, planar structures called metasurfaces (MS), are developing very fast. In the literature, there are many studies on the properties of various metasurfaces, but there are a lack of papers related to the analysis of the impact of structure deformations on their properties. In this paper, three commonly utilized structures of metasurfaces were designed for the same resonant frequency and on the same substrate. The numerical models were built and verified using the measurements of fabricated structures. During the experiment, the geometrical parameters of the metasurface cells were swept and a mechanical in-plane deformation in orthogonal directions was applied to the examined structures. Finally, sensitivity to the geometry distortions of the analyzed structures was evaluated and discussed.