Environmentally stable high-power erbium f iber soliton lasers are constructed by Kerr or carrier-type mode locking. We obtain high-energy pulses by using relatively short f iber lengths and providing large amounts of negative dispersion with chirped f iber Bragg gratings. The pulse energies and widths generated with both types of soliton laser are found to scale with the square root of the cavity dispersion. Kerr mode locking requires pulses with an approximately three times higher nonlinear phase shift in the cavity than carrier mode locking, which leads to the generation of slightly shorter pulses with as much as seven times higher pulse energies at the mode-locking threshold. © 1995 Optical Society of America With the development of highly chirped fiber Bragg gratings 1,2 (CFBG's) a wide-ranging control of pulse widths in fiber laser systems by dispersive means has become possible. This is particularly valuable in all-f iber chirped-pulse amplification systems, which permit the construction of compact high-power sources of femtosecond pulses. CFBG's (providing large amounts of negative dispersion) have also found applications as intracavity elements in fiber oscillators 4 and have permitted the construction of Kerr mode-locked erbium fiber soliton lasers that generate picosecond pulses with pulse energies as high as 10 nJ without the use of any amplif iers.
5Such high pulse energies may be generated, since Kerr mode-locked soliton lasers follow simple scaling laws. Typically a certain minimum nonlinear phase shift is required in the cavity to provide a suff icient amount of amplitude modulation and soliton shaping to keep the pulses stable. In the absence of bandwidth limitations other than from the gain medium, i.e., when the pulse widths are limited by energy loss to the continuum, the minimum nonlinear phase shift is ഠp (Refs. 4-6) and nearly independent of cavity dispersion. The pulse width t then scales with p jD 2 j, whereas the pulse energy W scales with p jD 2 j͞L, where D 2 is the total cavity dispersion and L is the fiber length.Any practical applications of such lasers require that they be insensitive to temperature and pressure variations and that a reproducible procedure for the initiation of mode locking be found. By using polarization-maintaining erbium in part of the cavity and a compensation scheme for linear and nonlinear polarization evolution in the fibers, 7 we demonstrate the feasibility of such environmentally stable highpower picosecond fiber soliton lasers for the first time to our knowledge, in which we show that reliable pulse start-up is obtained by a modulation of the fiber lengths.We also investigate the performance of these laser systems in the presence of dominant carrier mode locking, since the pulses produced are in the picosecond regime and should also be reachable by this slower amplitude-modulation process. We show that at least in the picosecond regime both Kerr and carrier mode-locked soliton lasers can produce similar pulse widths and follow similar scaling laws, as so...