Walking, a basic physical movement of the human body, is a resource for observers in forming interpersonal impressions. We have previously investigated the expression and perception of the attractiveness of female gaits. In this paper, drawing on our previous research, additional analysis, and reviewing previous studies, we seek to deepen our understanding of the function of gait attractiveness. First, we review previous research on gait as nonverbal information. Then, we show that fashion models’ gaits reflect sociocultural genderlessness, while nonmodels express reproductive-related biological attractiveness. Next, we discuss the functions of gait attractiveness based on statistical models that link gait parameters and attractiveness scores. Finally, we focus on observers’ perception of attractiveness, constructing a model of the visual information processing with respect to gait attractiveness. Overall, our results suggest that there are not only biological but also sociocultural criteria for gait attractiveness, and men and women place greater importance on the former and latter criteria, respectively, when assessing female gait attractiveness. This paper forms a major step forward in neuroaesthetics to understand the beauty of the human body and the generation of biological motions.