This study aims to analyze the causes of divorce for early marriage, judges' considerations in deciding divorce cases for early marriage based on Islamic law, which refers to the maqasid al-shari'ah perspective, and the impact of divorce due to early marriage —conducted this research at the Religious Court of Bonê Regency with the participants consisting of senior judges, junior judges, and the community taking care of divorce at the Bonê Regency religious court. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with research instruments are observation sheets and interview guidelines. The sampling technique used is purposive and accidental sampling. The basis for using purposive sampling is to determine the perception of the Religious Courts determined based on predetermined criteria and accidental sampling, which is used to conduct interviews with people who happen to be carrying out divorce arrangements at the Religious Courts of Bonê Regency. The number of samples set in this study was 10 people with analytical techniques referring to the concepts and theories of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the dominant factors causing divorce in the study areas were cases and leaving a partner. The judge's considerations in deciding cases have referred to maqashid al-shari'ah.