Solar energy is abundant and environmentally friendly. Light trapping in solar-energy-harvesting devices or structures is of critical importance. This article reviews light trapping with metallic nanostructures for thin film solar cells and selective solar absorbers. The metallic nanostructures can either be used in reducing material thickness and device cost or in improving light absorbance and thereby improving conversion efficiency. The metallic nanostructures can contribute to light trapping by scattering and increasing the path length of light, by generating strong electromagnetic field in the active layer, or by multiple reflections/absorptions. We have also discussed the adverse effect of metallic nanostructures and how to solve these problems and take full advantage of the light-trapping effect.
INTRODUCTIONThe conversion of solar energy to electricity or heat might be the ultimate means to help solve the energy crisis when hydrocarbon resources such as coal and other fossil fuels cannot satisfy the energy demand. Solar energy is abundant, ,5000 times our current power consumption.1 The use of solar energy can also reduce the environmental problems caused by the consumption of fossil fuels by reducing dusts, noxious gases and greenhouse gases, as well as the resulting haze, acid rain and global warming. To date, the worldwide installed capacity of solar harvesting devices is ,60 GW in electric energy and ,300 GW in thermal energy, 2 with an annual rapid increase. For the existing technology, there is room for further improvement by either enhancing the light absorption or avoiding loss of electricity or heat after absorption. Recently, new advances in nanotechnology and material fabrication methods have resulted in an emerging field of plasmonics by properly introducing metallic nanostructures to manipulate light, enabling light trapping in active layers and thereby enhancing the performance of energy-harvesting devices.3 In addition, certain highly absorbing surfaces or structures with broadband absorption promising to extend the working wavelength of the solar energy spectrum (Figure 1) have been realized. The light-trapping effect, however, allows the thickness of materials and the costs of solar cells to decrease, which in turn benefits electricity collection when the minor carrier diffusion length in the active layer is not sufficiently long.In this review, we focus on light trapping induced by metallic nanostructures for solar energy collection. Corresponding applications are not only for photovoltaics, but also for solar thermal. In fact, solar thermal has a market with profit even higher than photovoltaics, yet