The properties of molecules and materials containing light nuclei are affected by their quantum mechanical nature. Modelling these quantum nuclear effects accurately requires computationally demanding path integral techniques. Considerable success has been achieved in reducing the cost of such simulations by using generalized Langevin dynamics to induce frequency-dependent fluctuations. Path integral generalized Langevin equation methods, however, have this far been limited to the study of static, thermodynamic properties due to the large perturbation to the system's dynamics induced by the aggressive thermostatting. Here we introduce a post-processing scheme, based on analytical estimates of the dynamical perturbation induced by the generalized Langevin dynamics, that makes it possible to recover meaningful time correlation properties from a thermostatted trajectory. We show that this approach yields spectroscopic observables for model and realistic systems which have an accuracy comparable to much more demanding approximate quantum dynamics techniques based on full path integral simulations.Vibrational spectroscopic techniques -from conventional infrared (IR) and Raman to advanced femtosecond pump-probe [1, 2], sum-frequency generation, second harmonic scattering [3, 4], and multi-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy [5] -are a cornerstone of chemistry [6]. These techniques have a multitude of applications such as the characterization of functional groups in chemical systems [7], the determination of the atomistic mechanisms of phase transitions through insight into chemical environments [8], and identification of unique structural fingerprints of molecular crystals [9]. The use of atomistic simulations for the computation of spectroscopic properties facilitates the interpretation of these experiments and provides support to the characterization of novel materials.Even neglecting effects that go beyond the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) decoupling of electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom, accurate calculations of the vibrational spectra of materials require an explicit treatment of the quantum dynamics of the nuclear degrees of freedom [10] on the electronic ground state potential energy surface. Quantum dynamics is in principle exactly obtained from the solution of the time dependent Schrödinger equation for the nuclei, but this is only practical for systems containing a handful of degrees of freedom [11,12]. Condensed phase systems can be studied [13] either by an exact treatment of the quantum dynamics of a subset of the nuclear degrees of freedom [14], or through classical dynamics on the quantum free energy surface of the nuclei [15,16]. Among the methods in the latter class, several of the most popular ones are based on the imaginary time path integral framework -such as (thermostatted) ring polymer molecular dynamics [17,18] ((T)RPMD), centroid molec- * ular dynamics [19,20] (CMD) and the recently developed quasi-centroid molecular dynamics [21] (QCMD). These methods ignore real time cohe...