The understanding of correlations in degenerate nonideal many-particle systems is complex and theoretically challenging. Using the recently proposed permutation blocking path integral Monte Carlo (PB-PIMC) scheme, which allows for an exact treatment of many-body correlations, we study the influence of quantum statistics in a confined few-particle Coulomb (quantum dot) system. As a versatile tool to gain insight into the internal structure of correlated many-body systems, the application of triple correlation functions is extended to quantum systems.Self-organized structure formation of interacting particles is one of the most fundamental processes in nature [1]. The basic theoretical understanding and analysis of this cooperative phenomena requires (i) sophisticated simulation techniques that allow us to solve the basic equations of many-particle physics on first principles, and (ii) advanced tools for the analysis of the details of collective behaviour in these interacting systems such as structure formation, spatial correlations and melting (phase) transitions. However, even simple models used to describe interacting quantum systems in the regime where strong Coulomb correlations and quantum exchange effects are present are computationally very demanding. Therefore, trapped few-particle systems such as electrons in quantum dots [2] ("artificial atoms") serve as a suitable laboratory for the investigation of fundamental many-body interaction phenomena without requiring undesirable (uncontrollable) simplifications of the fundamental physics.Path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) is a finite temperature simulation technique for an ab-initio description of correlated quantum systems with arbitrarily strong Coulomb and quantum exchange (spin) effects [3,4]. Furthermore, it provides a high flexibility with respect to trap geometry or the inclusion of defects et cetera, and quasi exact simulations with up to N ∼ 10 4 bosons and boltzmannons are feasible [5, 6]. However, a rigorous and exact treatment of fermionic quantum exchange with standard PIMC is strongly limited by the fermion sign problem [7,8]. For that reason, the permutation blocking path integral Monte Carlo (PB-PIMC) scheme [9,10] has been recently introduced which allows us to significantly reduce this issue and to extend the range of application of the PIMC method towards stronger degeneracy, i.e., lower temperature and higher densities. Therefore, we are able to obtain approximation-free data for Bose, Boltzmann and Fermi statistics on the footing of first principle quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Apart from an accurate computation, a central aspect of this contribution concerns the analysis of quantum correlations. To this end, we will extend the application of the recently derived triple-correlation functions [11][12][13] in order to resolve the influence of different quantum statistics on spatial correlations in degenerate 2D Coulomb (quantum dot) systems. While the (radial) pair distribution function-as a widely used tool for the structural analysis-is we...