Background Ah shi point acupuncture involves inserting needles at painful or pathological sites. Objective To evaluate the effi cacy of ah shi point and general acupuncture point treatment of acne vulgaris. Methods 36 subjects were recruited and randomised in a double-blind (patient-blind and observer-blind) controlled trial to receive acupuncture either at general acupuncture points only, or at both general acupuncture points and ah shi points 12 times over 6 weeks. The subjects were evaluated using the following outcome measurements: an infl ammatory lesion count, a quality-of-life scale (Skindex-29) and a subjective symptom score. Results After 12 treatment sessions, there was a signifi cant reduction in the infl ammatory acne lesion counts, the Skindex-29 scores and the subjective symptom scores from baseline in both groups, but no signifi cant difference between groups. Conclusions Acupuncture treatment of moderate acne vulgaris was associated with reduction of infl ammatory lesions and improvement of the quality of life.