In Marfan syndrome, the tunica media is disrupted, which leads to the formation of ascending aortic aneurysms. Marfan aortic samples are histologically characterized by the fragmentation of elastic laminae. However, conventional histological techniques using transverse sections provide limited information about the precise location, progression and 3D extension of the microstructural changes that occur in each lamina. We implemented a method using multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy and computational image processing, which provides high-resolution en-face images of segmented individual laminae from unstained whole aortic samples. We showed that internal elastic laminae and successive 2 nd laminae are injured to a different extent in murine Marfan aortae; in particular, the density and size of fenestrae changed. Moreover, microstructural injuries were concentrated in the aortic proximal and convex anatomical regions. Other parameters such as the waviness and thickness of each lamina remained unaltered. In conclusion, the method reported here is a useful, unique tool for en-face laminae microstructure assessment that can obtain quantitative threedimensional information about vascular tissue. The application of this method to murine Marfan aortae clearly shows that the microstructural damage in elastic laminae is not equal throughout the thickness of the tunica media and in the different anatomical regions of the ascending aorta.In mammals, the heart periodically ejects blood to the aorta, which is the main elastic artery in the body. The specific histological composition of the aorta allows an elastic response to blood ejection, which consists in the circumferential stretching of its wall and the subsequent recoil. The aortic wall is divided into three layers 1 : (i) the innermost layer named the tunica intima, composed of a monolayer of endothelial cells and subendothelial connective tissue that covers the luminal surface of the vessel; (ii) the tunica media, the thickest layer, is composed of elastic fibres arranged as fenestrated sheets (called elastic lamellae or laminae) alternating with circumferentially oriented layers of smooth muscle cells; and (iii) the tunica adventitia, the outermost layer, is composed of loose fibroelastic connective tissue enriched in collagen fibres and fibroblasts. Media elastic lamellae are concentrically arranged, with smooth muscle cells, collagen, proteoglycans and other extracellular matrix components filling the interlamellar space 2, 3 . The main function of these lamellae is to provide the elasticity needed for the aorta to stretch and recoil. The lamellae are wavy when the aorta is non-pressurized, and straight when subjected to in vivo blood pressure 4 . The most luminal lamina, named the internal elastic lamina (IEL), serves as a frontier between intimal endothelium and the tunica media. Transversely sectioned, conventional histological preparations of the aortic wall show elastic lamellae arranged in almost equidistant parallel layers, whose number depends o...