In the face of the newly emergent COVID-19 pandemic, researchers around the world are racing to identify efficacious drugs capable of preventing or treating its infection. They are doing that by testing already available and approved antimicrobials for their rapid repurposing against COVID-19. Using the data emerging on the comparable efficacy of various compounds having different mechanisms of action and indications, I suggest in this report, their potential mechanistic convergence. Specifically, I highlight the lysosome as a key possible therapeutic target for COVID-19, proposing one of the lysosomal storage disorders, Niemann-Pick type C disease (NPC), as a prototypical condition with inherent resistance or an “unfavorable” host cell environment for viral propagation. The included reasoning evolves from previously generated data in NPC, along with the emerging data on COVID-19. The aim of this report is to suggest that pharmacological induction of a “transient” NPC-like lysosomal dysfunction, could hold answers for targeting the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.