The distribution of molecular forms of serum IgA rheumatoid factor (IgA-RF) in 42 patients with rheumatoid arthritis was examined by solid-phase radioimmunoassay following fractionation by gel chromatography or ultracentrifugation in acidic buffer. Analysis of the fractions using phosphate buffered saline indicated that the IgA-RF in each serum was mainly polymeric. However, monomeric IgA-RF was detected in sera from apptoximately two-thirds of the patients, after dilution of chromatographic or ultracentrifugal fractions in diluent containing mouse monoclonal anti-human a chain antibody. The levels of monomeric IgA-RF (mean 2 SD 38 It 86 pg/ml) and the ratios of monomeric to polymeric IgA-RF (mean & SD 0.29 f 0.41) varied over a wide range. Paired synovial fluids from 9 of the patients were also examined. Monomeric IgA-RF was detected in each, although 2 samples demonstrated only minimal quantities. Neither form of IgA-RF was detected in serum from healthy adults when analyzed under the