Bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis, received intraperitoneal inoculation of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) evansi flagellates and showed acute disease, leading to death during the 2 nd peak of parasitaemia [14 th day post infection (pi)]. Damage in brain and choroid plexus of the infected bandicoot is studied on the 5 th , 8 th , 12 th and 14 th day post inoculation. Sign of histopathological changes in the brain and choroid plexus of the bandicoot are detected after 1 st peak of parasitaemia. Infiltration of lymphocyte and plasma cells, congestion, perivascular cuffing, gliosis and brain lesions are observed during 12 th -14 th day post intection. Multiple sclerosis, neuronophagia, focal haemorrhage, cerebral hyperplasia, oligodendrocytoma, astrocytoma and fatty degeneration of brain tissue are also found. Alteration in the ependymal cells of choroid plexus is noticed. Extensive oedema, infiltration of inflammatory cells and rupture of ventricular ependymal layer are found. Parasites are found both in the brain tissue and choroid plexus. No intracellular stage of the parasite is observed. The nature of damage in the brain tissue and choroid plexus shows similarity with the cases of African trypanosomiasis. This salivarian species cause more deleterious effect in brain much earlier in the disease course than its African relatives.