Extended Data Fig. 2 Network property statistics of DSA interneurons (A) Statistical contrast matrices (two-sided Tukey's test) for firing rates of pyramidal cells (PYR), interneurons (INT) and DSA interneurons during waking quiescence (QWake), NREM sleep, REM sleep and active behavior (Walk). (B) Same layout and statistical comparisons as in A but for the average unit CCGs as a function of brain state. (C) Pearson correlations (tested using a Student's t distribution) between average CCG responses of NREM sleep, QWake, REM sleep and walking behavior for all groups. Note that spike vs population relationships are preserved across brain states. (D) Top: Average joint Z-score rate density between 10% of the interneurons (100 shufflings), 90% remaining interneurons and pyramidal cells neurons (left) and between 10% of the pyramidal cells (100 shufflings), interneurons and remaining pyramidal neurons. Bottom: Spearman correlation and statistical contrast matrices (two-sided Tukey's test) for interneuron and pyramidal neurons rate and Z-scored population for all shown joint histograms. (E) Average (mean ± IC95) partial correlation values of the Z-scored rate for all groups (blue for ρDSA,INT controlling for PYR; red for ρDSA,PYR controlling for INT; magenta for ρPYR,INT controlling for DSA), after truncating high firing rate units to match median the spikes number of pyramidal cells (average from n = 32 sessions, P < 10 -25 , F(2, 2787) = 57.42, repeated measures ANOVA). (F) Left: distribution of excitatory divergence in all groups. Only putative pyramidal units excited their postsynaptic target cells (incidence probability for all groups in top-inset; P < 10 -110 , χ 2 (2) = 504.24, χ 2 test). Right: distribution of excitatory convergence for all cell groups (P < 10 -67 , χ 2 (2) = 306.15, χ 2 test). DSA neurons have fewer excitatory connections than the interneurons group (P < 10 -4 , χ 2 (1) = 11.36, χ 2 test). ***P<0.001. Extended Data Fig. 3 Mechanisms of DSA neuron firing during DOWN states -model results (A) Spiking neural model containing 100 leaky DSA neurons receiving an asymmetric inhibitory/excitatory drive (top-left scheme). Bottom, UP/DOWN transitions with DOWN-selective firing DSA neurons (gray dots in the rastergram at the top). Top right, log firing rate distributions in the model corresponded to the those of the recorded neurons. (B) Peri-DOWN-state Z scored firing raster plot for all simulated principal cells (PYR, left) and