Habitats and their living natural resources are under increasing pressures everywhere from humankind. Species, the basic biotic units, are consequently increasingly threatened with extinction. To protect and conserve biodiversity from species level to ecosystem requires management based on understanding of not just biological sciences, but also knowledge of local cultures, environmental economics, and governmental structures and dynamics. Among international responses to deal with this complexity is the Species Survival Commission (SSC), the largest commission of IUCN-The World Conservation Union. Founded in 1963 by noted conservationist Sir Peter Scott, the SSC network has 2500 volunteer member scientists, field researchers, governmental officials, and conservation leaders in 137 countries. They provide technical and scientific counsel for biodiversity conservation projects throughout the world, serving as resources to governments, international conventions, and conservation organizations. SSC works principally through its nearly 100 Specialist Groups, most of which represent particular plant or animal groups. SSC Specialist Groups focus on species either threatened with extinction or of special importance to human welfare. A few groups are disciplinary-veterinary medicine, captive breeding, reintroductions, international trade, and wildlife utilization. Each taxonomic group is charged to assess the conservation status of the chosen species and their habitats, to develop an Action Plan that specifies conservation priorities, and finally to implement required activities outlined in the Plan. Developing an Action Plan may take several months; full implementation of an action agenda may span decades. Action Plans have been completed by 13 Specialist Groups. The Species Survival Commission is the largest of six volunteer commissions of IUCN-The World Conservation Union. Founded in 1948, IUCN enrolls sovereign states, governmental agencies, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations to conserve the world's natural heritage. Besides developing general conservation policy, such as The World Conservation Strategy, IUCN manages conservation projects worldwide for intergovernmental organizations, including projects on tropical forests, wetlands, marine ecosystems, the Sahel, Antarctica, and sustainable development. For more information on the Species Survival Commission and IUCN