SamenvattingDe laatste jaren zijn verschillende non-invasieve technieken onderzocht om opsporing van prostaatkanker te verbeteren. Dit onderzoek gaat over de analyse van uitademingslucht door een geavanceerde, gebruiksvriendelijke en draagbare elektronische neus, de Aeonose
Trefwoorden prostaatkanker · uitademingslucht · elektronische neus · volatile organic compound (VOC)Detecting prostate cancer by analyzing exhaled-breath using a portable electronic nose (Aeonose TM ) Abstract In the last decade, several non-invasive methods have been researched in order to improve detection of prostate cancer (PCa). This study investigated the possibility of detecting PCa based on exhaled-breath analysis using an advanced, easy-to-use, portable electronic nose ('Aeonose TM '). Exhaled-breath was probed from 85 patients. Within this population, 32 were diagnosed with primary PCa, and 53 patients were used as controls: 30 having negative biopsies, 23 with benign prostate hyperplasia. In order to differentiate between groups, an artificial neural network was trained. This trained model showed an area under the curve of 0.79 with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.84 (95% CI = 0.66-0.94) and 0.70 (95% CI = 0.55-0.81) respectively, when comparing primary PCa and controls. Negative predictive value found was 0.88. In conclusion, these promising results imply Aeonose™ exhaled-breath analysis can be used to detect PCa.Keywords prostate cancer · exhaled-breathe · electronic nose · volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
IntroductieAl sinds de Griekse oudheid is bekend dat uitademingslucht informatie bevat over iemands gezondheidstoestand. Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat honden een zeer goed ontwikkeld reukorgaan hebben en concentraties van 0,001 deeltjes