-William Harvey wrote about malaria, snake bite and rabies, three diseases now having their greatest impact in tropical developing countries. Global malarial mortality has not declined for 50 years. The most effective control measure would be a vaccine. Temporary immunity in humans, through hundreds of bites by irradiated infected mosquitoes, was achieved in the 1970s. A promising current strategy is effector T-cell vaccination directed at infected hepatocytes. RTS,S/(SB)AS02, an adjuvanted fusion protein, produced transient protection in 70% of vaccines. Prime (DNA vaccine) boost (poxvirus recombinant) is particularly immunogenic. Pyrethroid-treated bed nets reduce childhood mortality and deplete the mosquito population, interrupting transmission. Chlorproguanildapsone is more effective than pyrimethaminesulfadoxine in treating uncomplicated chloroquine-resistant malaria. Artemisinin derivatives are as effective as quinine in severe disease. Snake bite is an underestimated and neglected cause of morbidity and mortality in rural communities in tropical countries. Sutherland's pressureimmobilisation technique is recommended firstaid for victims of neurotoxic elapid snakes. Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis, using new generation cell culture vaccines, is now feasible in developing countries, employing an economical 8-site intradermal regimen. This Harveian Oration, the first in 350 years to be devoted to tropical medicine, emphasises the importance of this speciality in the twenty-first century.Above all, William Harvey (1578-1657) believed in the experimental method and wanted to encourage the Fellows of this College to do research. He exhorted 'the ffellowes and members of the Colledge ... to search and Studdy out the secrett of Nature by way of Experiment' (Harvey Trust Deed 21 June 1656). My title reflects a personal enthusiasm for experiment in the field of tropical medicine. I cannot pretend that Harvey shared this interest, but he certainly mixed with people for whom diseases of warm climates were of real practical importance. His brothers traded with the Levant and the Far East and a colleague at St Bartholomew's Hospital, John Woodall (1556?-1643, was surgeon-general to the East India Company from 1613 to 1635 1 . As an example of the application of the experimental method to tropical medicine, I will discuss three diseases which I have found particularly interesting and challenging. I was delighted to find evidence in Harvey's writings that he had come across these conditions even though he never travelled outside Europe.
MalariaHarvey experienced malaria both as patient and pathologist. Discussing the anatomical position of the liver and spleen in his Prelectiones anatomiae universalis, he mentioned that his spleen was enlarged during a quartan ague 2 and in De motu cordis et sanguinis, he described the effects of tertian fever on the heart and lungs, adding: 'I speak with experience on this point through my dissections of subjects who have died at the beginning of attacks' 3 .In those days, P...