proton transfer reaction H3+ + CO is
one of the cornerstone chemical processes in the interstellar medium.
Here, the dynamics of this reaction have been investigated using crossed
beam velocity map imaging. Formyl product cations are found to be
predominantly scattered into the forward direction irrespective of
the collision energy. In this process, a high amount of energy is
transferred to internal product excitation. By fitting a sum of two
distribution functions to the measured internal energy distributions,
the product isomer ratio is extracted. A small HOC+ fraction
is obtained at a collision energy of 1.8 eV, characterized by an upper
limit of 24% with a confidence level of 84%. At lower collision energies,
the data indicate purely HCO+ formation. Such low values
are unexpected given the previously predicted efficient formation
of both HCO+ and HOC+ isomers for thermal conditions.
This is discussed in light of the direct reaction dynamics that are