The fragmentation reactions of the singly-protonated oligoalanines trialanine to hexaalanine have been studied using energy-resolved mass spectrometry in MS 2 and MS 3 experiments. The primary fragmentation reactions are rationalized in terms of the b x -y z pathway of amide bond cleavage which results in formation of a proton-bound complex of an oxazolone and a peptide/amino acid; on decomposition of this complex the species of higher proton affinity preferentially retains the proton. For protonated pentaalanine and protonated hexaalanine the major primary fragmentation reaction involves cleavage of the C-terminal amide bond to form the appropriate b ion. The lower mass b ions originate largely, if not completely, by further fragmentation of the initially formed b ion. MS 3 energy-resolved experiments clearly show the fragmentation sequence b n 3 b nϪ1 3 b nϪ2 . A more minor pathway for the alanines involves the sequence b n 3 a n 3 b nϪ1 3 b nϪ2 . The a 5 ion formed from hexaalanine loses, in part, NH 3 to begin the sequence of fragmentation reactions a 5 3 a 5 * 3 a 4 * 3 a 3 * where a n * ϭ a n Ϫ NH 3 . The a 3 * ion also is formed from the b 3 ion by the sequence b 3 3 a 3 3 a 3 * with the final step being sufficiently facile that the a 3 ion is not observed with significant intensity in CID mass spectra. and matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization (MALDI) [4,5] which efficiently ionize by protonation a wide variety of peptides and proteins, tandem mass spectrometry [6,7] has become a method of significant importance for the sequencing of peptides through collision-induced dissociation (CID) studies. As a result, the main types of fragmentation reactions occurring are well-established [8 -11], at least in a phenomenological sense and are outlined in Scheme 1. A major mode of fragmentation in many cases involves cleavage of an amide bond in the protonated peptide. When the charge is retained by the C-terminus fragment migration of a labile hydrogen from the Nterminus neutral fragment occurs to form a protonated amino acid (y 1 ) or peptide (y n ) [12,13]. When the charge remains on the N-terminus fragment, a neutral amino acid or peptide is eliminated and b n ions are formed. Although these b n ions were initially considered to be acylium ions [8,10,11], extensive experimental and theoretical studies [14 -19] have shown that, in many cases, the b n ions have protonated oxazolone structure as shown in Scheme 2 formed by cyclization involving the carbonyl function next-nearest to the amide bond being ruptured. In several cases where there are more reactive side-chain groups in the peptide, alternative cyclic structures are formed by interaction with sidechain functionality as the amide bond cleavage occurs [20,21].Although the fragmentation reactions of b 2 ions have been studied in some detail [14,18,22,23], the fragmentation reactions of larger b ions have seen less study [15] and the fragmentation of a n ions have seen even less study. A related question is whether, for larger protonated peptides, the ...