Aims. Users of homecare services are often excluded from clinical trials due to advanced age, multimorbidity, and frailty. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common and frequently undiagnosed arrhythmia in the elderly and is associated with severe mortality, morbidity, and healthcare costs. Timely identification prevents associated complications through evidence-based treatment. This study is aimed at assessing the feasibility of AF screening using new digital health technology in older people in a homecare setting. Methods. Users of homecare services≥65 years old with at least one additional risk factor for stroke in two Norwegian municipalities were assessed for study participation by nurses. Participants performed a continuous prolonged ECG recording using a patch ECG device (ECG247 Smart Heart Sensor). Results. A total of 144 individuals were assessed for study participation, but only 18 (13%) were included. The main reasons for noninclusion were known AF and/or anticoagulation therapy (25%), severe cognitive impairment (26%), and lack of willingness to participate (36%). The mean age of participants performing the ECG test was 81 (SD±7) years, and 9 (50%) were women. All ECG tests were interpretable; the mean ECG monitoring time was 104 hours (IQR 34-338 hours). AF was detected in one individual (6%). Conclusion. This feasibility study highlights the challenges of enrolling older people receiving homecare services in clinical trials. However, all included participants performed an interpretable and prolonged continuous ECG recording with a digital ECG patch device. This trial is registered with NCT04700865.