Pressure ulcers (PUs) have a profound impact on individuals, with studies demonstrating that compared with similarly aged persons, those living with a PU have a significantly lower quality of life. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of the Shanley Pressure Ulcer Prevention Programme (SPUPP) on older persons' knowledge of, and attitudes and behaviours towards, PU prevention. This was a multi-centre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. The population of interest was older persons living in the community who attended either a day care centre or a retirement group and were deemed to be at risk of PUs due to reduced mobility. Stratified random sampling was used to randomise based on days of attendance at day care centre/retirement group. Pretest and post-test were applied to the intervention and control groups. The SPUPP is a multimedia programmeThe Shanley Pressure Ulcer Prevention Programme (SPUPP) impacted positively on knowledge scores of the participants and positively influenced attitudes and behaviours towards pressure ulcer prevention