Abstract-The paper presents a robot cell for multimodal standing-up motion augmentation. The robot cell is aimed at augmenting the standing-up capabilities of impaired or paraplegic subjects. The setup incorporates the rehabilitation robot device, functional electrical stimulation system, measurement instrumentation and cognitive feedback system. For controlling the standing-up process a novel approach was developed integrating the voluntary activity of a person in the control scheme of the rehabilitation robot. The simulation results demonstrate the possibility of "patient-driven" robotassisted standing-up training. Moreover, to extend the system capabilities, the audio cognitive feedback is aimed to guide the subject throughout rising. For the feedback generation a granular synthesis method is utilized displaying highdimensional, dynamic data. The principle of operation and example sonification in standing-up are presented. In this manner, by integrating the cognitive feedback and "patientdriven" actuation systems, an effective motion augmentation system is proposed in which the motion coordination is under the voluntary control of the user.