How can the deterioration of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) be prevented by urological nurses? The intention of this study is to examine the relevant literature regarding HRQoL among those undergoing TURP. Transurethral resection of the prostate is fully considered as a historical reference-standard procedure for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. Even though this method is highly effective and offers significant progress in urinary functioning, it is related to a risk of complications recognized as TURP syndrome which may impact patients' HRQoL. Several studies have discussed the management of TURP syndrome; however, they did not clearly elucidate the comprehensive aspect of HRQoL pertaining to physiological and psychological elements. As a consequence, this clinical condition may cause unpromising outcomes in regard to residual physical and psychological symptoms after TURP. Wilson and Cleary's model of HRQOL was thoughtfully chosen to guide this study. Several themes of the model were discussed as follows: biological and physiological factors, symptoms and general health perceptions, functional status, patient preferences, emotional and psychological factors, and overall quality of life. We generated a model of HRQoL along with nursing care with respect to the patients undergoing TURP.The findings of this study will render a positive contribution to improving TURP outcomes as well as preventing deterioration of patients' HRQoL.
K E Y W O R D Sadvanced nursing practice, benign prostate disease, evidence-based practice, models of nursing, quality of life, TUR syndrome