In China, there is a lack of studies to generate pain intensity scales to the patients with CI and compare the pain scales in various age groups. Therefore, this study would compare the psychometric properties of the evidence-supported pain intensity scales consisting of the Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS), the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), the Faces Pain Scale (FPS), the Numeric Box-21 Scale (BS-21), and the Colored Analogue Scale (CAS) in Chinese postoperative adults varying in ages including the elderly with mild CI. This was a descriptive comparative study and 200 surgical patients were recruited purposively from a university-affiliated hospital with 50 for each group: young adults (age 20 -44 years), middle-aged adults (age 45 -59 years), elderly (age ≥ 60 years) without CI, and elderly (age ≥ 60 years) with mild CI.Participants rated the vividly remembered, current, worst, least, and average pain, and indicated scale preference and simplicity. Scale face validity, concurrent validity, convergent validity, and test-retest reliability at a 3-day interval were assessed. Fisher's exact tests were used to investigate whether face validity was related to different age iv groups and the levels of CI. One-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to test the differences of concurrent validity, convergent validity, and test-retest reliability of each pain scale among the four groups. Regarding face validity, the FPS was ranked best across the subjects as nearly half of the patients selected it as both the most preferred and simplest and it had low errors; the VDS and the NRS were similar and ranked following the FPS; however, the BS-21 and the CAS were ranked last. The concurrent validity, convergent validity, and test-retest reliability of all five pain scales were supported in use with the four groups. The differences in psychometric properties among the four groups were only found in face validity. The findings support the psychometric properties of all five pain scales for pain assessment in Chinese adults including the elderly with mild CI. However, the FPS appears to be the best scale followed by the VDS and the NRS.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIt is impossible to finish this work without the continuous help and love from the people around me. I take this opportunity to give thanks to them for their willing to teach, guidance, help, and care during my master degree study.