Purpose: It is not clear to what extent signs and symptoms other than arm swelling, including pain, altered sensory function and body perception disturbances, differ between women with measurable and non-measurable breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL). A case-control study was performed to compare these signs and symptoms between 1) women with self-reported BCRL with objectively measurable swelling; 2) women with self-reported BCRL without objective confirmation; and 3) a control group with no self-reported BCRL.
Methods:The three groups were compared for 1) the severity of self-reported signs and symptoms of BCRL, 2) problems in functioning related to BCRL, 3) pain-related outcomes, 4) sensory functions and 5) body perception.Results: All self-reported outcomes related to signs and symptoms of BCRL and problems in functioning were significantly different between the control group and the other two groups with and without measurable self-reported BCRL (p<0.001-0.003). Except for 'skin texture' (p=0.01), 'hand swelling' (p=0.301) and 'difficulty writing' (p=0.676), no differences were found between groups. For painrelated outcomes, sensory function and body perception, significant differences were only found for the mechanical detection threshold (p<0.01) and self-reported disturbances in body perception (p<0.001) between the self-reported BCRL groups and control group.
Conclusions:Diverse signs and symptoms related to BCRL, sensory function and perception were different among women with self-reported BCRL compared to controls. No differences between women with and without measurable self-reported BCRL were found.
Implications:The presence of self-reported BCRL, with or without measurable swelling, is a first indication for the need of further diagnostic evaluation.