A wake craniotomy literally means performing a craniotomy on an awake patient. It allows A A intraoperative assessment of the patient's neurological status. It is mainly used for mapping the resection margins during epilepsy surgery, accurate location of electrodes in surgery for movement disorders, and excision of tumours from eloquent areas of the cortex [1]. Eloquent areas are specialized areas of brain which control important functions, like movement, sensation, speech etc. Intraoperative neurological testing allows optimal tumour resection with minimal postoperative neurological dysfunction. Different anaesthetic techniques for awake craniotomy have been described in the literature [2][3][4][5][6][7]. Some have used conscious sedation, while others have used 'asleep-awake-asleep' technique. This is the first case series of awake craniotomies published from the Indian armed forces.
Material and MethodsThis procedure was carried out in Command Hospital (SC), Pune during the ten month period. The inclusion criteria were supra tentorial, intra-axial tumours located close to eloquent areas of the brain and patients willing to co-operate. The exclusion criteria was posterior fossa tumours, non-willing patients, large tumours with midline shift and raised intracranial tension. Confused, demented or agitated patients are poor candidates. Patient was assessed for his fitness and psychological make up to undergo awake craniotomy. After history and physical examination the patient was subjected to detailed counselling. Patient was explained about the advantages of remaining awake during operation and the sequence of events in the operation theatre. Patient was educated about different tasks like moving the toes/ fingers on command, identification of picture cards, speaking etc. which he was supposed to perform during the surgery. It was re-emphasized that he will be conscious and he had to lie down still during the surgery. Option of general anaesthesia was also kept open and an informed consent was taken.In the operation theatre intravenous line was started and sedation in the form of injection midazolam 1-2 mg and injection fentanyl 50-75 mcg was given. The scalp was painted with 10% betadine lotion. The supraorbital,supratrochlear, auriculotemporal, zygomaticotemporal, greater occipital and lesser occipital nerves (Fig. 1) were blocked bilaterally with local anaesthetic (LA) solution.We used a mixture of 20 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine, 20 ml of 2% plain lignocaine, 0.4 ml (400 mcg) of adrenaline and 40 ml of saline adding upto a total of 80 ml of solution. This solution has a concentration of 0.125% bupivacaine, 0.5% of lignocaine and 5 mcg/ml of adrenaline. Adrenaline helps in hemostasis, reduces absorption of LA, thereby reducing its toxicity and prolongs the duration of action. About 25-30 ml of this solution was used for the nerve blocks. A band (Fig. 2) of subcutaneous and subfascial injection was given with 20-25 ml of this solution, around the head passing above the ears through forehead and occiput [8]. The rema...