Aim. This paper examines role of cultural values in understanding people's satisfaction with health services across Europe.Methods. We used multilevel linear regression analysis on the 7 th round of the European Social Survey (ESS) from 2014, including approximately 40,000 respondents from 21 countries. Preliminary intraclass correlation analyses lead us to believe that some explanations of variance in the dependent variable were to be found at the country level. In search of country-level explanations, we attempted to account for the role of national culture in influencing citizens' attitudes towards health systems. This was done by using Hofstede's dimensions of power distance (PDI), individualism (IDV), masculinity (MAS), and uncertainty avoidance (UAI), giving each country in the survey a mean aggregated score.Results. In our first model with individual level variables, being female, having low or medium education, experiencing financial strain, and reporting bad health and unmet medical needs were negatively associated with individual satisfaction with national healthcare systems, with the latter variable showing the strongest effect. After including Hofstede's cultural dimensions in our multilevel model, we found that the power distance index variable had a negative effect on the dependent variable, significant at a 0.1 level.
Conclusions.It is possible that in national cultures associated with autocracy and hierarchy, citizens are likely to evaluate their national health system more negatively.