This study examined the antecedents and the consequences of tour motivations. More specifically, this study proposed how two sub-dimensions of a country's image, such as the cognitive and the affective destination images, affect tour motivations. In addition, it was proposed that tour motivation helps to enhance tour quality and tour satisfaction. Lastly, this study examined the effect of tour quality the tour satisfaction on word-of-mouth. A total of 623 samples were employed in order to test the seven hypotheses. This study employed the AMOS program to conduct confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of the data analysis showed that the cognitive and the affective destination images play an important role in the formation of the tour motivation. This study also found that tour motivation has a positive influence on tour quality. Additionally, the current study confirmed the effect of tour quality on tour satisfaction. Lastly, the influences of tour quality on tour satisfaction and word-of-mouth were identified.The global tourism industry has become progressively more profitable and more competitive, so the vast majority of destination marketing organizations (DMOs) have concentrated their endeavors on explicitly creating a better destination image in order to be more appealing in the psyches of the potential tourists, since the travel industry is one of the segments that provide the biggest contributions to the financial improvement of a country [4]. If the destinations inside a country are the spots that are known and favored by international travelers, it will impact the regional development and improve the nation countrywide. Since the destination's image influences the tourists' basic decision-making process and travelers' opinions in connection to a specific travel destination, it is along these lines that a country must show a positive image to the potential travelers [5].When examining the behavior of a tourist, the tourist motivation can be viewed as the essential factor [6,7]. A push-pull model for travel motivation was created by Crompton [8], which recognized the push-and-pull consequences for a traveler's destination decision and experience. As indicated by this model, the push power motivates a traveler to venture out from their home and look for some undefined getaway destination, and the pull power forces a traveler toward specific destinations that are seen as appealing on account of their characteristics [9,10]. A few researchers have expressed that the motivation is identified with the affective part of the image, and a person's affective image for a destination is affected by the traveler's motivation, which is centered upon their past travel encounters [11][12][13]. In the previous tourism literature, numerous researchers recognized the significance of understanding better the relationship of variables, such as travel motivation, destination image, visitor satisfaction, revisit intentions, and intention to recommend [14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. However, few...