The industrial heritage in Spain, despite important advancements in the past decades, remains under-recognized, vulnerable, and inadequately appreciated. Its potential for contributing to local resilience and sustainability in the face of deindustrialization challenges is one of the best assets it has. This paper highlights the analysis of two case studies focused on the restoration of industrial heritage sites, namely the Sugar Mill “El Tarajal” in Malaga and the Trapiche del Prado in Marbella, conducted in collaboration between the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti and Pescara and the University of Malaga. Four key concepts are identified: historical analysis and its impact on industrial evolution, production system transformations and their influence on buildings, the relationship between industry and its surroundings, and the impact of rehabilitation on the urban context. The recovery of industrial heritage goes beyond architectural preservation, emphasizing the importance of adapting these spaces for contemporary purposes and integrating modern technologies and sustainability approaches to drive socioeconomic revitalization. To address the vulnerabilities and lack of recognition faced by industrial heritage, a connection between research and education is discussed to disseminate knowledge among students and professionals in training. This approach aims to provide a more comprehensive and informed restoration process that considers the territorial scale, thereby translating assessment indicators into the design and preservation of industrial heritage sites.