We study a continuum model of dislocation transport in order to investigate the formation of heterogeneous dislocation patterns. We propose a physical mechanism which relates the formation of heterogeneous patterns to the dynamics of a driven system which tries to minimize an internal energy functional while subject to dynamic constraints and state dependent friction. This leads us to a novel interpretation which resolves the old 'energetic vs. dynamic' controversy regarding the physical origin of dislocation patterns. We demonstrate the robustness of the developed patterning scenario by considering the simplest possible case (plane strain, single slip) yet implementing the dynamics of the dislocation density evolution in two very different manners, namely (i) a hydrodynamic formulation which considers transport equations that are continuous in space and time while assuming a linear stress dependency of dislocation motion, and (ii) a stochastic cellular automaton implementation which assumes spatially and temporally discrete transport of discrete 'packets' of dislocation density which move according to an extremal dynamics. Despite the huge differences between both kinds of models, we find that the emergent patterns are mutually consistent and in agreement with the prediction of a linear stability analysis of the continuum model. We also show how different types of initial conditions lead to different intermediate evolution scenarios which, however, do not affect the properties of the fully developed patterns.