We report experimental results on the defect turbulent state of undulation chaos in inclined layer convection of a fluid with Prandtl number ≈ 1. By measuring defect density and undulation wavenumber, we find that the onset of undulation chaos coincides with the theoretically predicted onset for stable, stationary undulations. At stronger driving, we observe a competition between ordered undulations and undulation chaos, suggesting bistability between a fixed-point attractor and spatiotemporal chaos. In the defect turbulent regime, we measured the defect creation, annihilation, entering, leaving, and rates. We show that entering and leaving rates through boundaries must be considered in order to describe the observed statistics. We derive a universal probability distribution function which agrees with the experimental findings.Weakly driven, dissipative pattern-forming systems often exhibit the spatiotemporally chaotic state of defect turbulence, where the dynamics of a pattern is dominated by the perpetual nucleation, motion, and annihilation of point defects (or dislocations) [1]. Examples can be found within striped patterns in wind driven sand, electroconvection in liquid crystals [2], nonlinear optics [3], fluid convection [4,5], autocatalytic chemical reactions [6], and Langmuir circulation in the oceans [7]. The hope is that the dynamics of these very different systems can be characterized by a universal description which is based only on the defect dynamics.A first description of defect turbulence was given by Gil et al.[8] for a spatiotemporally chaotic state of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). They postulated that the nucleation rate for defect pairs is independent of the number of pairs M , and based on the topological nature of defects the annihilation rate is proportional to M 2 . Through detailed balance, they showed that these assumptions lead to a squared Poisson distribution for the probability distribution function (PDF) of M . They also found agreement with this PDF in simulations of the CGLE with periodic boundary conditions. Rehberg et al.[2] measured the PDF of M for defect turbulence in electroconvection of nematic liquid crystals and found it to be consistent with the predicted squared Poisson distribution. Later, Ramazza et al. investigated a defect turbulent state in optical patterns and found that their data was not conclusive. To date, studies in both simulation and experiment have relied purely on comparisons of the PDFs. The gain and loss rates, fundamental to the universal description of defect turbulence, have not been measured. In addition, effects due to boundaries were not considered.In this Letter, we report experimental results on the defect turbulent state of undulation chaos in inclined layer convection of a fluid of Prandtl number ≈ 1. By tracking all defects in a finite area of the convection cell we measured, for the first time, defect creation, annihilation, leaving, and entering rates for a defect turbulent state. The observed pair creation and annihilation...