Background: Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a common form of heart valve disease associated with episodes of rheumatic fever. Despite the developments achieved in the field of cardiology, the consequences of acute rheumatic fever remain significantly high in developing countries like India. Objectives of current study aims to evaluate the pattern of valvular involvement in patients of RHD in Western Rajasthan assessed by echocardiography.Methods: This is an observational study conducted at the department of Cardiology, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, India between September 2015 and February 2019. The study includes analysis of echocardiograms of RHD patients performed during this period.Results: Total 502 echocardiograms of RHD patients between 4 and 75 years of age with mean age of 35.6 ±11.6 years in which the most common age group was 21-40 years. There were 191 (38.04%) males, and 311 (61.95%) females. Mitral valve was most commonly involved in which mitral stenosis (MS) was seen in 345 (68.72%) and mitral regurgitation (MR) was seen in 350(69.72%) patients. Aortic stenosis (AS) was seen in 61 (12.15%) and aortic regurgitation (AR) was found in 224 (44.62%) cases. Organic tricuspid valve (TV) disease was seen in 18 (3.58%). In combined valvular involvement MS+MR was seen in 234 (46.61%) cases; followed by MR+AR in 171 (34.06%); MS+AR in 161 (32.07%); AS+AR in 62 (12.35%); MR+AS in 46 (9.16%) and MS+AS in 42 (8.36%) subjects.Conclusion: The echocardiographic pattern of RHD patients of Western Rajasthan shows a predominant involvement of mitral valve, followed by aortic and tricuspid valves. Further amongst multi-valvular involvement the sequence was predominantly MS+MR followed by MR+AR, MS+AR, AS+AR, MR+AS, and MS+AS.