Lifted planning – finding plans directly on the PDDL input model – has attracted renewed attention during the last years. This avoids the process of grounding, which can become computationally prohibitive very easily. However, the main focus of recent research in this area has been on satisficing, i.e., (potentially) suboptimal planning. We present a novel heuristic for optimal lifted planning. Our basic idea is inspired by the LM-cut heuristic, which has been very successful in grounded optimal planning. Like LM-cut, we generate cut-based landmarks via back-chaining from the goal, generating cuts of partially grounded actions. However, exactly mimicking the ground formulation is not feasible, this includes computing the hmax heuristic several times for one computation of the LM-cut heuristic (which is already NP-hard to compute). We show that our heuristic is admissible and evaluate it in a cost optimal setting.