Determining how environmental conditions contribute to divergence among populations and drive speciation is fundamental to resolving mechanisms and understanding outcomes in evolutionary biology. Postglacial freshwater fish species in the Northern Hemisphere are ideal biological systems to explore the effects of environment on diversification in morphology, ecology, and genetics (ecomorph divergences) within lakes. To date, various environmental factors have been implicated in the presence of multiple ecomorphs within particular lakes or regions. However, concerted evidence for generalizable patterns in environmental variables associated with speciation across geographical regions and across species and genera has been lacking. Here, we aimed to identify key biotic and abiotic factors associated with ecological divergence of postglacial freshwater fish species into multiple sympatric ecomorphs, focusing on species in the well‐studied, widespread, and co‐distributed genera Gasterosteus, Salvelinus, and Coregonus (stickleback, charr, and whitefish, respectively). We found that the presence of multiple sympatric ecomorphs tended to be associated with increasing lake surface area, maximum depth, and nutrient availability. In addition, predation, competition, and prey availability were suggested to play a role in divergence into multiple ecomorphs, but the effects of biotic factors require further study. Although we identified several environmental factors correlated with the presence of multiple ecomorphs, there were substantial data gaps across species and regions. An improved understanding of these systems may provide insight into both generalizable environmental factors involved in speciation in other systems, and potential ecological and evolutionary responses of species complexes when these variables are altered by environmental change.