“…Both according to the identity status theory and empirical research, identity achievement is the most mature identity status, while diffusion is the least sophisticated and adaptive status, and identity generally develops toward achievement with age (e.g., Berzonsky & Adams, 1999;Kroger, 2000Kroger, , 2003Marcia, 1993a, 1993b, Schwartz, 2001Waterman, 1999). Identity commitment has been found to be essential for personal well-being (e.g., Berzonsky, 2003;Fadjukoff & Pulkkinen, 2006;Meeus, Iedema, Helsen, &Vollebergh, 1999;Vleioras & Bosma, 2005). Yet, only about half of young people obtain an achieved identity by early adulthood (Kroger, 2000(Kroger, , 2007, and substantial identity development takes place during adult years for many people (Cramer, 2004;Fadjukoff et al, 2005;Josselson, 1996;Pulkkinen & Kokko, 2000).…”