Exceto onde especificado diferentemente, a matéria publicada neste periódico é licenciada sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons -Atribuição 4. //dx.doi.org/10.17058/reci.v5i3.5496 Recebido em: 31/12/2014 Aceito
Background and Objectives: in Intensive Care Units (ICU) are the highest rates of Healthcare-associated infections (HAI).Antimicrobial therapy for these infections has become increasingly challenging due to high rates of antimicrobial resistance.Thus arises the need for appropriate antibiotic therapy. Thus arises the need to assess the antimicrobial therapy for patients with IRAS The study aims to evaluate antimicrobials prescriptions for patients diagnosed with HAI in the Adult ICU of a teaching hospital in Recife-PE in 2010. Methods: cross-sectional, descriptive, and retrospective study using the HAI reporting forms, prescriptions and medical records of patients aged from 18 years, in Adult ICU of the Instituto de Medicina IntegralProf. Fernando Figueira (IMIP). The variables analyzed in the study were gender, age, admission diagnosis, etiologic agent, Infection Related to Health Care, antibiotics, high and óbto. Data were collected from the analysis of HAI reporting forms, data collection form of HAI reporting forms and records and / or prescriptions. Results: the study population consisted of 31 notifications. The respiratory tract infections were the most frequent (80.6%). The microbiological confirmation was 83.9%, totaling 11 species of microorganisms, one of which being multiresistant. The use of 14 different antimicrobials was observed with monotherapy in a minority of cases. Only two patients underwent five schemes. Mistake regarding prescription was not observed, but misconceptions about some doses, intervals and as an association were highlighted.Conclusion: the indicators analyzed showed no significant discrepancies when compared with other national or international studies. One perceives the need for further studies on the use of antimicrobials.
ARTIGO ORIGINALAvaliação da prescrição de antimicrobianos para infecção relacionada à assistência à saúde em um Hospital Escola de Recife -PE