Playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) are common among musicians but longitudinal data on risk factors are limited. The aim of the study was to longitudinally identify the factors associated with increased risk of PRMD onset among music students enrolled in different pan-European music institutions.
Eight hundred and fifty students from 56 European music universities completed a web-based questionnaire on lifestyle and physical activity participation levels, musical practice habits, behaviours toward prevention, health history and PRMDs, as well as psychological distress, perfectionism and fatigue. PRMD onset was assessed prospectively at 6 and 12 months.
Changes in physical activity level (6-month AOR=2.343, 12-month-AOR=2.346; AOR>1), increased levels of fatigue (6-month AOR=1.084, 12-month-AOR=1.081; AOR>1) and of socially-prescribed perfectionism (6-month AOR=1.102; AOR>1) were significantly associated with PRMD onset. The presence of MSK complaints at baseline (6-month AOR=0.145, 12-month-AOR=0.441; AOR<1) and changes to BMI (12-month AOR=0.663; AOR<1) limited the onset of PRMDs. The incidence of PRMD at 6 and 12 months were 28.8% and 49.0%, respectively.
Longitudinal findings have been appraised as potential factors for PRMD onset, addressing the lack of any similar type of data in the current literature, while offering a novel contextualisation for revisiting contemporary evidence-based preventive strategies to minimise the impact of PRMDs.