African Americans (AA) have historically been targeted by the tobacco industry and have the highest rates of current cigar use among racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. Yet, there is limited evidence on other factors influencing cigar use. Amongst a sample of 78 AA current cigar (any type) smokers, log-linear regression models examined correlates of cigar demand obtained from a validated behavioral economic purchase task. Mean intensity, or cigar demand when free, was 6.68 cigars (standard deviation [SD]: 8.17), while mean breakpoint, or the highest price a participant was willing to pay, was $4.62 (SD: 3.88). Mean maximum daily expenditure, Omax was $15.20 (SD: 25.73) and Pmax, the price at Omax was $5.25 (SD: 3.95). Participants aged 21 to 30 years compared to those aged 18 to 20 years, those with higher levels of dependence, and females compared to males, had a significantly higher intensity. Participants with cannabis use above the sample median in the last 30 days (4+ days) had significantly higher intensity and Omax than those below the median. Further, participants with a high school education or more had a significantly lower intensity, breakpoint, and Omax than those with less than high school education. Individuals with income below the federal poverty line (FPL) also had a significantly lower breakpoint and Omax than those above. Finally, tobacco harm perceptions were inversely associated with Pmax. Stricter policies on cigar products, such as higher taxes and product-specific harm messaging, may have an immediate and sustained impact on health disparities related to cigar use.
Public Significance StatementAfrican Americans (AA) use cigars at nearly twice the rate of Non-Hispanic (NH) Whites and the national average. Cigar products have been the target of fewer regulations than those imposed on cigarettes, creating the need to better understand abuse liability for cigars to inform more effective and equitable cigar policies. Findings suggest that educational attainment, income, age, sex, cannabis use, dependence, and perceived harm from tobacco product use are associated with cigar demand as measured by a validated behavioral economic task.