“…These include: decreased use of primary habitats (Allen & Read 2000, Lusseau 2005), altered spatial distribution among individuals (Au & Perryman 1982, Bejder et al 1999, 2006, Nowacek et al 2001, Jelinski et al 2002, altered behavioral budgets (Chilvers et al 2003, Coscarella et al 2003, Lusseau 2003a, Constantine et al 2004, King & Heinen 2004, Lemon et al 2006, Williams et al 2006, Hodgson & Marsh 2007), changed swimming speed or direction (Au & Perryman 1982, Kruse 1991, Au & Green 2000, Nowacek et al 2001, Williams et al 2002a,b, Jahoda et al 2003, Lusseau 2003b, Ng & Leung 2003, Bejder et al 2006, Lemon et al 2006, Williams & Ashe 2007 and altered surface and dive durations (Janik & Thompson 1996, Au & Green 2000, Jahoda et al 2003, Lusseau 2003a, b, Ng & Leung 2003. Surface active behaviors (SABs), such as tail slaps, pectoral fin slaps, leaps and jumps, may also be displayed in response to approaching vessels (Weinrich et al 2001, Williams et al 2002a, Coscarella et al 2003, Danil et al 2005, Lusseau 2006a.…”