IOT3 qu&HTT jsmmmD 4 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGEForm Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 fttfc^plEHogliurdtn for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the tine for reviewing instructions, seerching existing dsta sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing end reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regerding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this ' collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Wsshington Headquarters Services, Directorete The objective of this research project is to explore the various management strategies that may be implemented to facilitate the transition to an Enrollment Based Capitation (EBC) budgeting methodology at Moncrief Army Community Hospital (MACH) Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The methodology used for this project was to review a variety of the significant systems and practices currently being employed at MACH, predict the impact of these systems during the transition to EBC, and recommend any appropriate modifications to facilitate the transition to EBC.This project addresses the current historical based budgeting process and contrasts it to the Enrollment Based Capitation budget process proposed by the Department of Defense Health Program. This comparison was made to demonstrated those practices under historical based budgeting that will adversely effect the outcomes of EBC. The significant management strategies are derived from various programs currently in place at MACH.The results of the project are recommendations for the MACH to consider in order to ensure success during the turbulent transition period. The recommendations are correlated to marketing, the importance of information systems, utilization management, reorganization, accuracy of data input, and efficiency of services provided.
11Abstract A significant portion of the managed care health care industry is currently undergoing a momentous transition from the traditional fee-for-service payment methodology to a capitated type of reimbursement system. The military, being one of the largest providers of health care in the country, is also participating in this transition.The objective of this research project is to explore the various management strategies that may be implemented to facilitate the transition to an Enrollment Based Capitation (EBC) budgeting methodology at Moncrief Army Community Hospital (MACH) Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The methodology used for this project was to review a variety of the significant systems and practices currently being employed at MACH, predict the impact of these systems during the transition to EBC, and recommend any appropriate modifications to facilitate the transition to EBC.This project addresses the current historical based budgeting process and contrasts it to the Enrollment Based Capitation budget process proposed by the Department of Defense Health Program.This comparison was made to demonstrated those practices under historical based budgeting that will ...