We provide an explicit combinatorial description of the embedding of the crystal of Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux in types B and C into that of i-Lusztig data associated to a family of reduced expressions i of the longest element w0. The description of the embedding is simple and elementary using only the Schützenberger's jeu de taquin and RSK algorithm. A spinor model for classical crystals plays an important role as an intermediate object connecting Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux and Lusztig data.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 17B37, 22E46, 05E10.(1.2)where r " xω λ , h n y, T λ is another tableau model of Bpω λ q introduced in [19,20], and V λ is the crystal of a parabolic Verma module with respect to a maximal Levi subalgebra l of type A n´1 in g [16,17].